Propaganda Techniques

slippery slope - suggesting that major inevitable consequences will occur by permitting any incremental course of action.

Also a subset of false dichotomysee definition - giving the impression that there are only two opposing choices or options, while ignoring any middle ground exists between the two extremes.
, because it forces both sides to ignore the possible middle-ground and defend the extremes.

24:12: slippery slopesee definition - suggesting that major inevitable consequences will occur by permitting any incremental course of action.
: Peterson suggests that passing legislation requiring the use of gender-neutral pronouns could ultimately lead to millions of deaths.

02:05: slippery slopesee definition - suggesting that major inevitable consequences will occur by permitting any incremental course of action.
: Shapiro suggests that you can't consider banning any gun without considering banning all guns.

05:56: slippery slopesee definition - suggesting that major inevitable consequences will occur by permitting any incremental course of action.
: Shapiro again suggests that you can't consider banning any gun without considering banning all guns.

Articles related to slippery slope