Propaganda Techniques

glittering generalities - vague words or phrases used to evoke positive emotional appeal, without presenting supporting information or reason.

44:43: glittering generalitiessee definition - vague words or phrases used to evoke positive emotional appeal, without presenting supporting information or reason.
: About addressing a mental health epidemic by acknowledging the national identity crisis, with the remedy being a tonal reset from the top about what it means to be an American and remembering who we really are.

27:21: glittering generalitiessee definition - vague words or phrases used to evoke positive emotional appeal, without presenting supporting information or reason.
: About not supporting an increase in the minimum wage because of his belief in the dignity of work, the dignity of workers, essential workers, essential wages, essential benefits, participating in prosperity, a livable wage, and getting to a good place.

1:01:13: glittering generalitiessee definition - vague words or phrases used to evoke positive emotional appeal, without presenting supporting information or reason.
: About our movement being sabotaged by powerful forces and very, very bad and evil people, who know who they are and liked it the other way, and who will do anything, anytime and never stop, but we're stopping them, and you're seeing that right now.